By purchase of any product in this store, you agree to our terms and policies below:
- We are not responsible for any damages to goods that occur in transit. If an error with your packing has been made on our end (e.g. missing merchandise or wrong order being shipped), we will do our best to correct our mistake.
- Customers are liable to pay any customs. We are not responsible for returns due to unpaid customs.
- We cannot offer refunds for goods marked as delivered.
- All physical orders will be shipped from the US. We ship internationally, except to the Ukraine and Russia due to shipping restrictions. Orders made through Bigcartel will be refunded.
- If there are unforeseen delays to shipping, communication will be made on our Twitter and Tumblr accounts, @officehourzines.
- The digital zine will be sent after shipping has officially started.
- The zine is not responsible for any additional shipping fees customers may be charged, such as customs fees.
Changing Shipping Address:
- Please contact us at [email protected] for updates to shipping address with your name, order number, and new address.
- Please note that we cannot change shipping addresses once an order has been shipped out.